Posts tagged email marketing

Why Slashing Your Marketing Now Is Such A Poor Decision

When you read the news about our current economy, it’s easy to become confused. Is the economy getting better? Standing still? Continuing to decline? I guess it depends on who you ask. And hey, the stock market is doing great! And lots of folks see that as a sign that our economy is on healthy footing. Today someone on CNBC today was even touting “Dow 12,000” by the end of this year. Can you imagine that?

After all we’ve been through that’s hard to believe – starting with the collapse of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, the sub-prime mortgage crisis and credit crunch, and then government takeovers and massive bailouts. Then throw in record unemployment, a weakening dollar, huge government borrowing, and record bank closures. You get the idea. Yes, we were saved from the brink. But things still hardly qualify as “normal” these days. And we are now talking about Dow 12,000?

But what has become crystal clear that some of the challenges that we are currently facing WILL be here for a while. Unemployment is now over 10%, and if you count those that are under-employed or have given up looking entirely, the numbers are significantly higher. Most economists agree that there is a high likelihood these elevated unemployment numbers will be here for a while, at least the next couple of years, as we struggle to provide new industries, education and training to those that have lost their jobs in the last 18 months. Many are calling our current unemployment situation the “new normal.”

So beyond a gory retelling of our current economic woes, what does this all mean?

Well, for people that do what we do – assist companies to market their products and services – it can be a scary time. Sales numbers and revenues are down, and organizations are (rightly) looking for any inefficiencies or marginal initiatives or programs to cut. Marketing always seems to be on the top of the list. Now, I have always found this to be very counter-intuitive! “Well, sales and profits are down! What are we going to do? I know, let’s slash our marketing budget! One of the few things that can actually help INCREASE our potential sales!”

And we know why it happens too. Businesses simply can’t cut Accounting, because no matter how much (or little) they sell, they still need to transfer funds and pay taxes and payroll and suppliers, etc. And they can’t cut out their IT department, because without a running computer network or website or processing system they cannot function. And they can’t cut their service providers or line workers or whoever in the organization actually does the “real” work. And the list goes on.

But the marketing department? That can be cut, and it won’t be missed. Right??

Well, not for a little while at least. It is a department that isn’t completely essential for business, for TODAY at least. The doors won’t close, or the production line won’t grind to a halt, or the trucks won’t stop rolling if marketing shuts down. At least not right away. And that is why it is often on the chopping block first.

Now, I think with a little bit of forethought, it isn’t that difficult to see why this is a very poor long term strategy. But this doesn’t stop short-sighted companies from doing it. But as mentioned, there is a major problem with this strategy this time around. Because although the economy is surely improving right now, we still have a long way to go to “economic health” and substantial growth. The “new normal” will be with us for some time. Will we be healthy again in 2011? Or 2012? Later?

In other words, if this is your “strategy,” you may not be marketing or promoting your company for a LONG time! And it’s easy to see why this is a losing strategy. And there will certainly be big financial winners – and losers – this time around, as always. So the question is, “How can I be one of those big economic winners?” As you may guess, the answer is rarely “By slashing the marketing promotion of your brands, products and services.”

Actually, it is fascinating that many economists and entrepreneurs will say that a recession is the BEST time to start a business. Once again, the reasons  are clear when you consider that the companies that don’t make it through – that close their doors forever – just gave up X% of the market share within their industry or field.

Not only are all those potential customers or clients now up for grabs, but recessions cause many changes in buying behavior, regardless if other companies leave the marketplace. Tight economic times cause customers to re-evaluate the costs and the true value of the products and services they are currently buying. During tough financial times, there are usually more requests for price quotes – directed at a larger pool of suppliers or providers – as businesses seek out different alternatives and value.

Individual consumers do these same things. They consider brands, products and stores that they haven’t before. They shift  more dollars at a faster rate than they do even during “roaring” economic times. This presents tremendous opportunity, for those who are bold and innovative enough to see this perhaps once-in-a-lifetime chance to greatly expand their market share and build their brands.

Which is why slashing your marketing budget during these times is such a poor long-term decision. Now some companies have no choice. They either immediately cut major portions of their budget or face insolvency. For these companies, we certainly wish you luck. But for anyone else, now is the time to be aggressive in your pursuit of market share.

And the best part? You can promote your brand, your products and services FAR more efficiently now than ever before. Online marketing initiatives typically cost much less than the “traditional” methods many companies have used previously.

Email marketing and E-Newsletters are a very cost-effective way to stay in touch with your customers or  prospects. They are an easy way to stay “top of mind” with your target audience and continue to build your brand at a time when your competitors may have their “eyes off the prize” themselves.

Blogging about your company, your products or your services is another great way to inexpensively reach potentially huge numbers of potential customers, and introduce them to your business and what you do.

Enough has been written about social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, in recent months that there is no need to repeat the stats again here. But suffice it to say that these initiatives can have a big influence on your brand equity and sales numbers for the same relatively inexpensive cost.

Which is something that most companies love to talk about during ANY economy, the all-important Return On Investment. And if there was ever a time to generate great ROI with your marketing dollars, it’s now. The bottom line is that even during these tough economic times, if you feel your business has a future, NOW is the time to discover the many ways you can still aggressively – and efficiently – market your services or products with the many E-marketing communication methods that have recently been established or are emerging.

Content Is King Online

You’ve undoubtedly heard that phrase before. And it makes perfect sense when you consider that your content is the thing that attracts your customers to your product or service, and then retains their attention. With clear, concise and compelling information about your company, your products and your services, presented in the most effective and efficient way, you hope to move the visitor to view your offering in a favorable way, and then take action as they make their purchasing decision.

The primary goal of your online content should always be to drive these key purchasing decisions and responses, since after all, this is the reason you’re in business, right? But there is an added benefit to having great content online.

You are also affecting future inquiries and sales by virtue of improving your online search engine ranking, or SEO (search engine optimization) results when you have great content. The algorithms used by Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. are far too complex and have too many variables to be discussed in this article, but suffice it to say that the quality of your content – meaning the inclusion of keywords that are relevant to your product category and the frequency of their use – as well as the number of external links from other online sources to your content AND the frequency of your web updates or postings are all quite important for creating a good SEO ranking for your website.

And the higher your score, the more likely it is that you will be found in “organic” search engine results and be higher up on the list of results – which means more visitors to your site, and which also means more business for you. There are a number of effective ways to create and share your content online. The most important categories are:


E-Newsletters, or email marketing, are one great way to share valuable information, advice, special promotions and offers with your customers and prospects. This method is dependent on you having a good list of email addresses, of course. (If you do not track email addresses for your customers or business contacts, now is a great time to start! This list is one of your most valuable resources for future business.)

There are a number of tips you can employ to increase the “open” rate of your email newsletter, and the “click” rate, or those that take action after reading your message. Most distribution vendors provide information not only on open and click thrus, but also things like email address bounces and unsubscribes. Other details such as the subject line, the use of graphics, and keeping important links “above the fold” in your message can increase your readership and your response rates.


For those that do not have a viable list of email addresses for their customers, a professional blog is another way to communicate with the masses and get the word out about your service or product. A well written blog can establish you as an expert within your business category, a “trusted advisor” that readers will consult before making their purchasing decisions. Promoting your blog is vital. Not only should your official blog be prominently featured (and hosted) on your website, but also social media sites and other online venues. (Why host on your website, as opposed to a blogging site like Because you want the “juice,” or the boost in SEO score, to apply to YOUR website, not the website of an external entity. We have the capability at Hat Trick Associates to install a WordPress blogging script within your website – like this one – to generate the additional web content benefits for your own site and not someone else’s.)

One of the many great aspects of a blog is the ability to receive comments back from your readership, which creates a more collaborative and interactive environment for your communications. This type of feedback is vital to understanding the changing wants and needs of your customer base, and responding appropriately.


Social networking sites can be another important and growing tool in distributing your content online. Facebook fan pages, Twitter feeds and other networking sites such as company pages on LinkedIn provide a great platform not only to connect and communicate with your customer base, but also gives them the opportunity to provide feedback and spread the message about your organization to all of the other connections they have on these social media sites. And the usage of these sites is rapidly increasing, and not just among the younger generations. The fastest growing segment on Facebook you may wonder? Women over the age of 55.

HAT TRICK ASSOCIATES: We. Create. Content.

Hat Trick Associates specializes in the creation and distribution of web content. Whether it be a custom E-Newsletter template and unique content researched and written every month for each issue; a professional blog created for you, with 100% original blog posts researched and written for you and published on a pre-determined schedule; or a social networking account such as a Facebook fan page or Twitter feed set up and content-managed for you, we can help.

25 Great Questions For Entrepreneurs

Some more great entrepreneurial advice from David Garland, of The Rise To The Top show here in St. Louis. These are questions you need to be asking yourself as you contemplate or begin your own business, some good stuff here.

1. Can I remove myself from this business or will I always be a part of it?

2. Can I work “non normal hours” including nights and weekends if necessary?

3. Do I have 6 months extra cash reserves?

4. Do I have a list of trusted professionals (lawyer, accountant, etc.) or do I need a referral?

5. Can I take criticism?

6. Who are my mentors and go-to people when I need help?

7. How will my business make money and what are the alternative revenue streams? (*Seems obvious of course but many have made this mistake, have you?)

8. Do I work better alone or in groups?

9. What things do I LOVE to do on a daily basis?

10. What things do I HATE to do on a daily basis?

11. Who is doing the books and keeping finance in order?

12. How far in advance am I planning? 6 hours? 6 days? 6 years?

13. How much time will my business require of ME?

14. Do I plan on on selling your business?

15. What is your web strategy?

16. Am I also marketing my business, product or service or soliciting help?

17. Do I have a plan for hiring your first employee?

18. How am I going to generate buzz for your business?

19. Where is the start up capital coming from?

20. Will I be investing my own money?

21. Am I prepared to deal with the emotional toll of the ups and downs of businesses?

22. Where am I getting answers to my entrepreneurial questions?

23. Who are my favorite entrepreneurs and why were they successful?

24. Why is my business unique?

25. WHY am I starting my own business?

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